Here you will find our syllabus Kata. We will shortly be adding slow versions of all the Kata to help you learn the pattern to get you ready for your next grade. Don't forget we also have a weekly Kata class to help you master your grade kata.
There are lots more club videos at our youtube channel.
Taigyoku Shodan
Basic Kata for beginning students. This is a Kata that experienced karateka nearly always return to.
Kata required to achieve 8th kyu Yellow belt.
Tekki Shodan
Horse Riding-Level 1.
1st of 3 Shotokan Tekki Kata is the Kata requiredto achieve blue belt with Karate Kai. All the movements in this Kata are lateral with the predominant stance being Kiba Datch (horse Riding Stance). Other Tekki Kata can be seen at our youtube channel.
This again is a very popular kata for competition, and because of the lightning speed performance of many of the techniques, it is both very dynamic and extremely beautiful to watch. The kata ‘Enpi’, or ‘Empi’ as many associations call it can be translated to mean ‘Flight of the swallow’, and when you watch an effective performance of this you will see why.
This kata introduces age-tsuki, while also using a huge, highly athletic jump. This kata requires lightness on the feet, and through training in this kata, you will learn to move quickly and generate power through momentum and movement.
Heian Shodan
Peaceful Mind Level 1.
Kata required for 7th kyu orange belt is the first of 5 shotokan Heian Kata. Similar to Taikyoku Shodan with the additional blocks of Shuto Uke and Age Uke. Also Tettsui Uchi (hammerfist strike). You can take a look at the other 4 heian Kata at our youtube Channel.
Seiyunchin - "Control/Suppress and Pull"
The name Seiyunchin implies the use of techniques to off balance, throw and grapple. It is this understanding that imparts the original intentions of the Kata of Naha-te before the sport alignment of modern Karate. Seiyunchin contains close-quartered striking, sweeps, take-downs and throws. Though the Kata itself is void of kicks, many practitioners make the grave mistake by missing the opportunity to apply any leg technique. Though almost invisible to the untrained eye, the subtleness of "ashi barai" and "suri ashi" can represent foot sweeps, parries and traps.
Saifa - "Smash and Tear Apart"
Saifa is the first of the classical combative Kata taught in Goju-Ryu. Goju-Ryu's Kata origins come from the martial arts taught in the Fuzhou area of southern China, largely Crane and Xingyi/Baqua as well as other internal and external martial arts. Kanryo Higaonna Sensei was taught this Kata, along with the other Kata of Goju-Ryu, while he studied in China from 1863-1881 under the direction of RuRuKo (Xie Zhongxiang in Chinese) and others. These Kata and martial strategies would become the basis of the the quanfa of Higaonna Sensei, which later Miyagi Sensei would call Goju-Ryu. From an understanding of the grappling and striking techniques of this Kata, Saifa can be interpreted to mean grabbing and tearing of tissue in close-quartered combat.
Bassai Dai,
translated to mean ‘To Storm A Fortress’ is an extremely strong kata, and is a very popular kata for competition. Reason being that it is flashy enough to interest spectators, but powerful enough to feel good to perform.
This kata, also called Passai in other styles, is an advancement from the Heian Series. The concept of this kata is to develop power intense and destructive enough to storm a fortress, and the opening technique has been interpreted by many as the breaking down of the fortress doors, signifying the fantastic levels of power produced by the karateka